Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square

Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square
Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square

Commercial & Public/
Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square

Remodelling, interior refurbishment and furniture design of two office floors. The first floor was designed to create three large, purpose-built casting studios, with an associated ‘green-room’ for studio users, an extensive waiting area and reception space. All elements of the space were designed by DBLO including the reception desk, furniture and internet access wall.

The third floor reconfigured the existing cellular offices to appear as open-plan while accommodating three different departments, with a centralised print and graphics zone.

Location. Charles House, Leicester Square, London
Project Type. Office Refurbishment
Client. Spotlight Casting Directories
Construction Cost. Undisclosed

Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square
Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square
Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square
Spotlight Casting Studios, Leicester Square